Everyone has a go-to lawyer joke. But did you know that since 2001 the American Lawyer Public Image Association has been encouraging people to abandon their favorite lawyer jokes on the first Friday of each November and show their appreciation for the lawyers in their lives?
On October 22, 2015, the American Bar Association Law Practice Division passed a resolution to officially designate the first Friday of November as "Love Your Lawyer Day," encouraging the public to celebrate lawyers and express gratitude for their affirmative contributions to the public good and to the administration of justice. The resolution further encourages lawyers to celebrate the day to help promote a more positive public image of lawyers and to encourage further contributions to society through pro bono work and contributions to charitable organizations promoting the administration of justice.
At Sloan Law Firm, we take pride in assisting our clients in solving life's problems, whether they be personal or professional and we work hard to earn the trust and respect of our clients and the communities in which we work. It's always nice to feel appreciated, whether it be a handshake, a hug or a simple "thank you" and we are lucky to work with great individuals and businesses every day. So whether you officially celebrate "Love Your Lawyer Day" or not, we feel the love and we will continue to be here for you!
Send us a message on Twitter @sloanlawfirm with #LoveYourLawyerDay!
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