In the blurring web of government regulations, and the confusing language and tricky tactics used by unscrupulous businesses more concerned with profit than people, it can be easy to feel like an underdog in all kinds of transactions. We’ve all heard or read about companies that conceal, overreach, and mislead just to take our hard-earned money. Violations of consumer rights harm both individual consumers and businesses. Companies that engage in deceptive business practices or disregard consumer rights can tarnish an entire industry and harm businesses that work hard to do things the right way. Standing up to these unscrupulous companies can seem daunting but federal and state consumer protections and a knowledgeable Kansas attorney can even the playing field for your consumer, mortgage, or foreclosure defense issue.
Fortunately, the Kansas Consumer Protection Act is a strong and fair statute that helps protect consumers from bad businesses and is also an effective roadmap for businesses to follow to stay on the good side of the law. Our attorneys have experience representing both individual consumers and businesses in consumer protection issues involving state and federal laws, including:
When you place your trust in a bank or other financial institution, you assume they are looking out for your best interests. Too often that is not the case. The Kansas Consumer Protection Act applies to many banking and lending situations. Other laws, like the federal Truth and Lending Act are also there to protect consumers from deceptive lending practices. Our lawyers have litigated cases of deceptive acts and practices and fraud in connection with deceptive consumer lending, mortgage lending, mortgage modifications and mortgage foreclosures.
Whether remodeling or new construction, we can help you recover when a contractor leaves you with incomplete or shoddy work. Our attornreys have experience handling housing and construction defect cases for breach of contract, breach of warranty, violations of the Kansas Consumer Protection Act, fraud, and violations of Kansas Fairness in Private Construction Act, as well as other claims available under Kansas law.
Our lawyers have pursued cases against debt collectors that violate the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the Telephone Consumer Protection act as well as litigated cases under other statutes designed to shield consumers from unscrupulous debt collectors.
When a consumer sustains an injury due to a defective product, it is often because manufacturers or others in the supply chain cut corners to save a buck. A person or company can be held responsible for defective consumer products, faulty medical devices, and even foods that cause food poisoning. If you have been injured by a defective product, let our product liability attorneys help.
Some businesses will outright lie to get a hold of your money. Some businesses have invested in proper legal guidance and know the difference between harmless “puffing” of a product or service and outright deceptive acts and practices. Our attorneys have litigated cases involving false or deceptive advertising and can help you, too.
One of the biggest areas of violation of consumer rights is in mortgage foreclosures. Facing foreclosure? You are not alone. Every year, thousands of Americans lose their homes. But you don’t have to be one of them. You can fight for your rights.
Some attorneys push consumers into bankruptcy as a way to defend a foreclosure. Other attorneys may show up to court for you but refuse to actually litigate the case to hold mortgage companies accountable. Not at Sloan Law Firm. Just because you get a letter from your mortgage bank does not mean you have to leave, and it doesn't mean you have to file bankruptcy or that you have no defense.
A vigilant and assertive foreclosure defense attorney will look for errors in paperwork or regulatory violations that may buy you precious time or cancel the foreclosure entirely. At Sloan Law Firm, our Kansas attorneys can work with lenders and their lawyers to help you resolve a mortgage foreclosure case. We can litigate mortgage foreclosure cases to trial if necessary and use all of the tools available to us to hold mortgage lenders accountable. But most importantly, our lawyers know what to look for when a lender is engaged in nefarious activity.
Whether you are currently facing a mortgage foreclosure or have been the victim of deceptive trade practices, don't walk away without a fight. Call us at (785) 357-6311 let us help. Contact the Sloan Law Firm today.
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